Call us today for a no-obligation quote.

Our long history and expertise in conference interpreting have allowed us to research and build one of the largest interpreting equipment systems in the Southwest, including our own brand of specially designed digitally-tuned receivers and quality equipment manufactured by industry leaders like Williams Sound, Interkom, Taiden, and others. Our FM systems combine excellent sound quality, comfort and incredible versatility. The signal can broadcast clearly throughout a large arena, or in a small boardroom. And yet the signal attenuates rapidly outside of the designated room to reduce security risks. Our transmission technology allows us to operate multiple languages simultaneously within interference-free bands.

Our Infrared system offers total security combined with CD quality sound for events that require the absolute best.

To help ensure that the interpreters’ voices do not disturb the delegates who are seated near them, we have custom built full-size, walk-in booths or compact, economical table-top booths.

Our equipment is lightweight and can be shipped easily throughout the country at minimum expense. For smaller meetings – we have truly portable systems that do not even require a technician.

Our strategic alliances with other top providers of simultaneous interpretation equipment allow us to handle events of any size!

Our top-of-the-line equipment combined with our acknowledged expertise in the conference interpreting industry means we can assure you of the best equipment services possible.

Our largest number of listeners at one event so far: 8,000. Largest number of booths at one event: 82.

We are always happy to advise on how to make interpreting at your conference the best it can be. Contact us today to discuss your needs: 1-888-556-3887.

For a free, no obligation quote, CLICK HERE!